Yellow Cab
It's been awhile since I've posted, since a lot has changed for this driver personally, as well as in the overall Tucson taxi environment.Recently some local cabbies have stepped up to improve their lot in life, and take on the larger cab companies, including Yellow Cab. Christopher Kroh, a long time Yellow Cab driver, recently spearheaded the Tucson Hacks Association, a group of cabbies banding together to fight oppressive cab company policies and improve their operating environment. This effort lead Yellow Cab to immediately terminate Chris' contract to drive for them. Chris' efforts are outlined in two great stories by Mari Herreras of the Tucson Weekly:
TQ&A: Christopher Kroh (June 7, 2012)
Fired Up! Tucson cabbies question the legality of their independent-contractor status (July 12, 2012)
Cab Stands
Your own boss? More like indentured servant. |
Regulatory Environment & Enforcement
Last year, the state legislature passed a law which prohibits other governmental entities from regulating taxis (the Tucson and Phoenix airport authorities are exceptions to this statute). While this decreases regulatory burdens on cab operators across the state (can you imagine Tucson, Marana, Oro Valley, and Green Valley all trying to regulate taxis within their boundaries? Yikes!), the framework of state taxi regulations could use a little more work. For example, state law says that taxi companies must run background checks on individual drivers, but does not specify if any driver is prohibited from driving for any particular class of offense. Also, cab companies must have maintenance records available for inspection, but it is not specified in what form these records must be maintained, what, when, and by whom maintenance must be performed, and what penalties apply if the records are not kept or if maintenance lapses.And who enforces state taxi regulations? Well, it seems it is mostly up to the state Department of Weights and Measures. Few inspectors exist, however, and they are for the most part tasked with regular inspections of all measuring devices (scales, gas pumps, fabric meters, etc.) as well as enforcement of consumer labeling laws (like making sure your roll of Charmin has the number of sheets as specified on the label). It would be helpful if local police agencies were educated on taxi regulations and did random of inspections, looking for ID card, insurance, and meter violations. This would assist in keeping taxi operators honest in between the annual inspections conducted by Weights and Measures.